Uncle Brad, Auntie Joel, and Great Grandpa all had fun holding Norah this weekend. She also got to meet her Great Uncle Wally who was not as comfy holding her, but still did a great job!
We gathered at Mimi's house and had a great day yesterday with friends. The kids had fun with playdough, played outside, had lunch, and then Great Grandpa managed to get all the kids to calm down and watch a Thomas together.... he's hired!
I decided to try the Cape Cod Children's Museum instead of going to the indoor playground again. Little did I know they were basically the same thing. Alex had a blast, but I was slightly disappointed. Norah slept the whole time :o)
Saturday morning we went to Maine so Norah could meet more of her family. She met her Uncle Jon and Aunt Jess and her Great Grammy and her Aunt Steph. We also celebrated Daddy's birthday a few days early - yummy cake!!!
Halloween was a success in the sense that we actually got both kids in their costumes and got some cute pictures. Alex went to one house and decided it wasn't his thing... maybe next year. He was a rodeo cowboy and she was a little bear - too cute! Tons of kids came to the house so Alex had a wonderful time seeing all the costumes and saying Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween.
After we visited Daddy at work and introduced Norah to a bunch of his friends, we went to the Woods Hole aquarium and had lots of fun! We saw all the big fish in the tanks and they even had a huge blue lobster! Then, we got to play with the touch tanks and Alex liked the horseshoe crabs and starfish, but especially the little rocks and shells in the tank.
Grandma got Alex this special Halloween shirt that he looked very handsome in. We had a special outfit for little Norah as well. It was a challenge, but I finally got a cute picture of them both!