We were in Maine this weekend to celebrate Alex's 2nd birthday with Gramma and Grampa and Uncle Jon and Aunt Jess. We had yummy cake and fun presents! Thank you!!!!!
We were in Maine over the weekend and I finally got some pictures off Carol's computer so here is a hodge-podge of some of my favorites from long ago up to this Christmas....
Alex wearing Grampa's shoes.
Alex loved the singing snowman and the talking Santa at Aunt Linda's house.
Alex eating without using his hands... such a talented boy! Alex loves to use the chainsaw on the wooden duck and the stuffed bunny (right up the crotch!)...
Lisa and Teddy's wedding. In front of our new kitchen window.
JC came over to watch football and Alex was fascinated with his shoes so he decided he needed to wear them. Then he decided he needed to wear Mommy's hat - what a goof!
Alex was getting ready to go to swim lessons and he just couldn't wait for his snack so he had to tear right into it before they even made it to the car.