On Sunday, we had a relaxing day cleaning up the house from party chaos, going to the playground around the corner, playing with our new toys, and Alex even helped me fold the laundry.
Alex had SO MUCH FUN playing with all his friends, opening presents, and especially eating his own cupcake! We tried to get a picture of him with the cake with his name on it, but we put it a little too close so you can see what happened. Thank you Kianna, Rigel, Stella, Ryan, and Evan for coming to celebrate and for all your wonderful gifts! We hope you all can come back and play again soon!
Alex's birthday fun started early when his Grammy and Grampy came down from Maine and brought him some wonderful gifts! Alex's Great Grammy made him this wonderful elephant to play with while he's in Maine visiting. Great Grammy also got him a stuffed frog and a nice fleece robe - so cute! He also got a teddy bear and a fun lobster toy from Grampy and Grammy gave him a wonderful picture to hang on the wall that was done by the artist who did Bambi. Can't wait to decorate his room!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Other funny Alex pics from the apartment when we were packing up. We stopped by the apartment yesterday to get the last car load of stuff and do a little cleaning. We will miss that place. It was good to us in many ways. We lived there for about 5 years - got married there, had a baby there. It was a great location and so convenient to walk to everywhere in town, but I'd never go back! I love the house and we will have many more wonderful memories to come. We still need to do quite a bit of work on the house - windows, kitchen cabinets and counter, bathroom needs some love, etc., but we have the rest of our lives to work on it and it will probably take as long!
More house pics of the living room and our bedroom plus some fun ones of my cutie pie.
Other house pics of Sam in the basement (a.k.a. Sam's workshop), another kitchen shot and one of Alex's room. Thank you Bill and Julie for the crib!!!
Before and after of the guest room/office (was purple and now blue) and our room (was peach and now green).
We successfully moved into the house this weekend and we could not have done it without the help of some special people. Thank you very much to Mom, Lisa, Teddy, Brian, Mac, Christina, and JC for all your help!!! Here are some before and after pictures of the living room (was green and now beige) and kitchen (was red and now yellow).