Thursday, April 04, 2013

Easter Weekend

so many colors, so few fingers....

sibling snuggle

Norah thought this was hilarious!

Are you ready to rock????

Picnic in Falmouth before the insane egg hunt

Met up with Marcus and his family - new baby girl Lily!!!

not so much an egg "hunt" as an egg insanity

the sun is in my eyes, Daddy!

Norah did her best and didn't get trampeled so it was a success on some level...but we'll never do it again!

Super Dads!

creepy bunny

pretty clouds over the library

kids had a blast at the playground - Sam helped build some of this playground years ago!

new dresses from Riley!

coolest tree/rock ever!

neighbors have friends with chickens so we got to see the new chicks - so cute!

Visit with our CA friends!  Julie, Danika, and Maddox came over to play

pretty princesses


she looks like she's ready for her bike ride!  wearing her new Tinker Bell cape from Danika

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