Sunday, November 25, 2012

November Hodge-Podge & Karate Tournament

Maddie Moo & Norah Bean twins

Happy Birthday to Daddy!  Excited about his new sandblaster!

just being a goofball as always

another goofball!

ready to help Daddy in the wood shop

Sam decided to make some oars one day....

and so he did!

Norah was having fun playing photographer

Alex got a care package from his best buddy in Thailand and was sent a "Big Sheet" in with all the other treats.  I told Alex it was seaweed, but he wanted to try it anyway....

and then he proceeded to spit it out on the floor... guess it wasn't his thing ;)

clean turkey fresh from the tub!

Alex's first karate tournament took place at Marshfield High School Nov 18th and he had a blast!!!!

stretching before they compete

their Plymouth white belt class performed as a group in front of 3 judges - they didn't win, but they had a ton of fun!

Alex's tooth was so loose I figured it would come out during the tournament, but it stayed a few more days.

He LOVED getting a trophy!

congratulatory hug from his sis

Alex & Sebastian

Norah, Pierrette, Sebastian, & Alex celebrate together!

tooth finally came out!

4th one gone and still waiting for the 3rd one to come in

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