Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Weekend Fun

Norah and Maddie at the neighborhood egg hunt

whatcha got in there?

Space.... the final frontier

decorating cupcakes at Mimi's with cousins & friends

I think they enjoyed this more than the kids!

Ayla and her Great Grandma

Norah enjoying her new chapstick from the Easter Bunny

Flower Child

Ayla perfected the Reeses Pieces sneak!

Watch out for the sabre tooth!

Norah was sure tired, but they had a blast coloring eggs!

egg hunt at Mimi's

the Easter Grouch


chilly morning!

I think Avery had more fun playing than eating

the cousins!

Mommy, I'm chilly

Pretending it is warm!

ahhhhh, much better

Grampy bunny

Avery bunny

Norah kicking ass at the Super Why game on Uncle Teddy's ipad

deep in concentration